Every year in Israel, on the day before their Independence Day an air raid siren sounds across the country. This day is known in Hebrew as "Yom HaZikaron" - Memorial Day. Unfortunately for Israelis, this is not a day for BBQ's and beaches.
Everyone, no matter where they are or what they're doing, stops. Traffic comes to a standstill and people often get out of their cars to observe a nationwide moment of silence in memory of all the young men and women who have died in the line of duty, defending the Jewish nation from those that threaten to destroy it.
Also remembered in the next 24 hours are the innocent men women and children who have been shot, stabbed, blown up and beaten to death by terrorists...their only crime being that they were Jewish residents (or Israeli citizens of a different religion) of a small patch of desert that lies between the Jordan river and Mediterranean sea.
As of publication, the number of soldiers killed in the line of duty stands at 22,684.
The number of civilians killed during terror attacks stands at 3,270 (including about 700 American victims), with an additional 14,002 injured.
Sadly these numbers continue to go up year over year. But while our brothers and sisters are gone - they are never forgotten. This day is just a reminder to keep them in our hearts...
על הנגב יורד ליל הסתיו
ומצית כוכבים חרש חרש
עת הרוח עובר על הסף
עננים מהלכים על הדרך.
The autumn evening descends on the Negev (desert)
And it lights up the stars in silence
The wind blows upon the doorway
As clouds move along the way
כבר שנה לא הרגשנו כמעט
איך עברו הזמנים בשדותינו
כבר שנה ונותרנו מעט
מה רבים שאינם כבר בינינו.
It's been a year but we almost haven't felt it...
How the times passed in our fields
It's been a year and few of us remain...
There are many that are no longer among us
אך נזכור את כולם
את יפי הבלורית והתואר
כי רעות שכזאת לעולם
לא תיתן את ליבנו לשכוח
אהבה מקודשת בדם
את תשובי בינינו לפרוח.
But we'll remember them all
The beauty of their hair and appearance
Because this kind of friendship is forever
Our hearts won't allow us to forget
This love that is bound by blood...
You'll return to be between us and blossom
הרעות נשאנוך בלי מילים
אפורה עקשנית ושותקת
מלילות האימה הגדולים
את נותרת בהירה ודולקת.
Oh this friendship was carried without words
It was grey, persistent and silent
Through the terrible nights
You remained bright and lit
הרעות כנערייך כולם
שוב בשמך נחייך ונלכה
כי רעים שנפלו על חרבם
את חייך הותירו לזכר.
This friendship is like all your youths
Again in your name we'll smile and go
Because friends who fell on their swords
Your life was left to their memory
אך נזכור את כולם
את יפי הבלורית והתואר
כי רעות שכזאת לעולם
לא תיתן את ליבנו לשכוח
אהבה מקודשת בדם
את תשובי בינינו לפרוח.
But we'll remember them all
The beauty of their hair and appearance
Because this kind of friendship is forever
Our hearts won't allow us to forget
This love that is bound by blood...
You'll return to be between us and blossom
אך נזכור את כולם
את יפי הבלורית והתואר
כי רעות שכזאת לעולם
לא תיתן את ליבנו לשכוח
אהבה מקודשת בדם
את תשובי בינינו לפרוח.
But we'll remember them all
The beauty of their hair and appearance
Because this kind of friendship is forever
Our hearts won't allow us to forget
This love that is bound by blood...
You'll return to be between us and blossom
Finally, in addition to our brothers and sisters who fell...at the time of publication, the number of Israelis currently missing in action stands at 1.

Let's not forget about Gilad Shalit...still trapped in some Hamas hell-hole...still being tortured and abused everyday.
Who would like nothing more than to be free to participate in a memorial service instead of worrying that he'll be a statistic at the next one. Who would like nothing more than an end to this warfare and bloodshed and hatred. Who would like nothing more than to just be normal.
But then...don't we all?
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