Before reading this article, you will most likely want to catch up on the previous posts on the topic of 9/11 conspiracy theories, nanothermite and Niels Harrit:
Angry Arabs Attacked Americans and Annihilated Assests
Everything you never wanted to know about thermite and didn't care to ask
and of course
Mere mortal Niels Harrit is no match for supergenius George W. Bush or even RONMOSSAD
I hope you'll excuse my sarcastic titles for the links (in actually they're quite serious posts that I spent a lot of time on) but I'm frankly sick and tired of this topic and the lunatics it keeps bringing to the site. However, one of my readers, Steve S has taken the time to translate an article in Danish (which I don't speak or read) that should put an end to this discussion once and for all. I had linked to this article (in Danish) during a previous exchange in the comments section of the third article and felt it would be wise to post the English translation for usage in the United States if any of my other readers get into debates over this. So thanks to Steve S for this RONMOSSAD blog near-exclusive:
TRANSLATION OF Chefredaktør skrider efter kontroversiel artikel om 9/11 FROM
Unofficial, by Steve S.
Editor in chief resigns after controversial article on 9/11
28 April 2009
From ( Danish science news service)
An article on explosives in the World Trace Center was published in a scientific journal without the editor in chief knowing about it. Now she is resigning, she tells ([science.denmark])
By Thomas Hoffman (
It created a great attention, surprise and suspicion when the Open Chemical Physics Journal in April published a scientific article on remains of nanothermite which were found in great amounts in the dust from the WTC.
One those most surprised is apparently the editor in chief of the journal. Professor Marie-Paule Pileni first heard about he article when wrote to her to ask for her professional assessment of the article’s content. The e-mail got her to immediately close the door to the journal.
“I resign as the editor in chief”, was the abrupt answer in an email to
A telephone call reveals that editor in chief Marie-Paule Pileni had never been informed that the article was going to be published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, which is published by the journal giant Bentham Science Publishers.
“They have printed the article without my permission, so when you wrote to me, I did not know that the article had appeared. I cannot accept this, and therefore I have written to Bentham that I resign from all activities with them”, explains Marie Paule Pileni, who is professor with a specialty in nanomaterials at the renowned Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in France.
She feels not only stabbed in the back, but is puzzled that the article on dust analysis following the terror attack on the U.S. on 11 September 2001 could at all have found its way to the Open Chemical Physics Journal.
“I cannot accept that this topic is published in my journal. The article has nothing to do with physical chemistry or chemical physics, and I could well believe that there is a political viewpoint behind its publication. If anyone had asked me, I would say that the article should never have been published in this journal. Period.” Concludes the former editor in chief.
The editor-in-chief’s dramatic departure gives critics additional reason to doubt the article’s conclusions, but Marie-Paule Pileni points out that because the topic lies outside her field of expertise, she cannot judge whether the article in itself is good or bad.
Nevertheless, the publication gets her to give the Open Chemical Physics Journal failing grades.
“I was in fact in doubt about them before, because I had on several occasions asked about information about the journal without having heard from them. It does not appear on the list of international journals, and that is a bad sign. Now I can see that it is because it is a bad journal”, says Marie-Paule Pileni and continues:
“There are no references to the Open Chemical Physics Journal in other articles. I have two colleagues who contributed to publishing an article which was not cited anyplace either. If no one reads it, it is a bad journal, and there is not use for it”, is the harsh verdict.
The professor informs us that a few years ago she was invited to be editor in chief of a journal which would open new possibilities for new researchers and because she supports the idea of open access journals where the articles are accessible to everyone, she said, “Yes” thank you.
“It is important to allow people to try and gain success, but one should not be allowed to do everything, and all this is certainly a bunch of nonsense. I try to be a serious researcher, and I will not have my name connected with this kind of thing,” concludes Marie-Paule Pileni.
The editor-in-chief’s decision is viewed as regrettable by the Danish chemist Niels Harrit, who is one of the authors to the controversial article on nanothermite in the dust from the WTC.
“It surprises me, of course, and it is regrettable, if it discredits our work. But her departure doesn’t change our conclusions, for it is a purely personnel related thing she his angry about. I still believe that we have carried out chemical physics, and if there is something wrong with our study, she is welcome to criticize us for it,” says Niels Harrit, Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen.
It is Niels Harrit’s coauthor Steven Jones who was in charge of contact to Bentham, and therefore the Danish researcher is presently not aware which responsible assistant editor the group has been communicating with.
However, he does know the names of the two researchers –so-called referees—who have reviewed he article, but he will not give their names because they ‘are in principle anonymous’.
Niels Harrit’s superior at the University of Copenhagen, Nils O. Andersen has himself participated in the pool of researchers who could be selected as editor, on an article which should be published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal. He has recently chosen to resign from the journals Editorial Advisory Board.
He informs that the decision has nothing to do with Niels Harrit’s article, and that he otherwise did not achieve having any experiences with the journals, so that he cannot shed further light on how the journal operates.
“Open access is an exciting development, and as a principle the idea should be tried out for there is no reason for the commercial publishers to earn money from our work. But professionally, the journal lay at the margin of my expertise, and as I had said No to be editor of two articles, I decided that I would not use my time on anything else.”, explains Nils O. Andersen, dean of the faculty of Natural Sciences and editor of the European Physical Journal D.
It has not yet been possible to get any comment from Bentham Science Publishers.
I say "near-exclusive" because this was also previously posted on the excellent site Screw Loose Change - a vital resource for 9/11 debunking. Thank you to Steve S for taking the time to do this. I am looking forward to reading any further work you put into this (or any) topic.
But wait you say, how does the editor resigning from the paper impact the scientific process that went into this? Well, it doesn't. All it does is prove that the authors were dishonest in their approach to publishing the article and that according to the former editor of the journal:
"The article has nothing to do with physical chemistry or chemical physics, and I could well believe that there is a political viewpoint behind its publication. If anyone had asked me, I would say that the article should never have been published in this journal. Period."
Still her departure doesn't actually prove that the science behind the study was faulty. However, this breakdown by Enrico Manieri asserts that the most likely explanation for the "chips" that Harrit and company found is not a top-secret, government-funded tool of destruction at all. Rather, it is much more likely to be a significantly less exciting substance known as...
From the linked article:
In practice, the red layer of the wafers identified by the researchers contains exactly the same elements that we now know were present in the corrosion-resistant coating used during the construction of the World Trade Center, including the organic base constituted by linseed oil and alkyd resin.
All this...over paint. And not just any paint...exactly the same type of fireproofing paint that would have been used by Turner Construction Company in the 1990's. In fact it is this same work order for "re-fireproofing" that is frequently cited as the basis for their conspiracy by the true believers! According to them this was be the exact opportunity to spray on the destructive nanothermite material that they claim would eventually knock down the World Trade Center.
So can we PLEASE move on from this topic now? There is just way too much else going on this week to be dealing with this stuff.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Show's over for Niels Harrit, Steven Jones and the rest of the conspiracy crew
Posted by
6:25 PM
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ok, so painbt explodes, if "ignited" by electricity?
Why does it have to explode? Aren't two jetfuel-laden planes crashing at hundreds of miles an hour into two buildings enough of an explosion for you?
Honestly ask yourself Ron, who do you think you are impressing by trying to disprove this theory? I have read all of your articles, and come to the conclusion that you obviously failr to grasp very basic scientific principles. Your pal wardogs brazenly admited his relations to FEMA and other governmental organization and thus, cannot be trusted in anyway for a statement. I say this not because im a paranoid nut who thinks everyone in the government is evil and going to kill us, I say it because that is exactly what would be legally required for a nonbiased trial now wouldnt it? Why dont we get a few people(better yet, why not independant sceientists, oh wait they apparently arn't smart enough to content with you ron, i forgot.)
If you think for one minute thermite cannot be refined, and using other advanced techniques (entrapping atoms/molecules inside the crystaline structures of other elements is no longer difficult for the supernations buddy, learn to play) it is very easy to see that a thermitic reaction could easily be used to create large explosions, not be highly detectable, nor need a high ignition point. You and Wardog's attempt to dissuade people from truth by stating the most basic (and yet undoubtably confusing to the majority of people) chemical reaction formula's is HILLARIOUS. Sure, lets try to quote a whole bunch of stats when we give almost no realistic parameters/unrealisticly basic goods. Do you really think that the military has just 1 version of high grade thermite? Do you really think the two of you know every type of explosive money can buy? I garentee you, you have absolutely no idea. GJ dancing for the feds though, I'm sure they are really appreciating your support.
When you explain to me why 9 scientists who are endorsed by prestigous european collages would just throw away their career, after spending upwards of 20+ years of studying each to gain that credibilty, then maybe il start possibly taking you serious.
The editor cheif quit is totally reasonable, wouldnt you be scared of getting caught up in a group of people who just directly challeneged the government of the most powerful and corrupt country in the world? Who is going to say she didnt die in a legitimate car accident, as apposed to a hitman who snips her brakes. Not to mention the fact that publishing a story so political as a scientist can make bring alot of attention, and if it becomes bad attention, your career is over. No collage will endorse your studies if you have a bad reputation. The fact that 9 scientists (please keep in mind,these guys have spent more years on the campus of a world renownd collages studying chemical physics then you have spent reading, eating, and sleeping, meaning they are MUCH SMARTER THAN YOU RON, im sorry, it sucks i know, but the truth hurts) would stake their entire career/lives on this claim, should be enough to completely overrule any of your bogus claims on how this is all infeasible. If you want to come to give me 100million dollars (enough to pay for a few particularly snazzy military sceintists) I will give you proof that an advanced thermitic reaction could have easily takin down the towers.
Just ask yourself, why the hell did tower 7 fall? was it hit by a piece of liquid metal that according to you, was formed in by the melting of the aircrafts aluminum body? It just shot right out a window, and through another open window a few blocks away... and caught the building steel frame on fire? (Im literally laughing about that theory, because it actually sounds like something you and wardogs would totaly advocate) Why would a building that had no daamges to it done by the impact, all of a sudden fall victim to a class delta fire? simple, it DOESN'T. Go try to find a few of the videos they were showing of fire fighters going into building 7, hours and hours before it collapsed, saying things like "its doomed, the support structure of the building has been too badly damaged, its like a bomb went off in there!" One of the videos even had a report of a fighter coming out of building 7 talking about liquid ODD... of course now that there has been time for clean up, videos containing fire fighter admissions are EXTREMELY hard to come by now, for SOME reason..
Please stop working for the government, they dont work for you.
You say "Why does it have to explode? Aren't two jetfuel-laden planes crashing at hundreds of miles an hour into two buildings enough of an explosion for you?"
hellow!! The nanoparticles (which are found) in NY are exploding, if ignited by electrfied tweezer...this does not do paint!!!
who the fuck talks about jet fuel., which burned out in the 15sec outside the WTC1,2....and what about WTC7
Think what you think, but keep your BS
I'm just going to assume that both of these brave Anonymous posters are the same person and respond in one post...
Who am I impressing with "disproving this theory" - I'm not looking to impress. If you read my initial post on the topic which you claim to but obviously didn't you would understand exactly why I felt the need to get involved with this craziness.
Relation to FEMA disqualifying someone from being trusted to comment on the topic - By that logic not even one of the scientists that were part of this "study" should be trusted because they're all clearly biased "truthers". I don't know also where you get that working for FEMA makes it illegal for you to testify at a trial.
Doing more investigations with "independent" scientists - Go ahead. Just don't bother me until they've found something that isn't so easily thrown out the window. Which will likely be never.
Everything you asked me about thermite - Here's what I know about what it takes to manufacture's exactly the same that you or anyone else knows - NOTHING. Unless of course you used to work in the one government lab that supposedly manufactured this mystery substance that no one else in the world has ever seen. In which case, by your own rules I wouldn't be allowed to ask your opinion since you were a government employee.
Why did 9 scientists throw away their careers - I can think of several possibilities.
1. They went crazy. Which happens to a lot of people.
2. They are ill-informed because they're not structural engineers, demolitions expects or even physicists in most cases. Only one is an actual chemist (Harrit) and the rest are sociologists and psychologists. Which makes them as qualified to comment on this topic as you or me.
3. Please show me the "prestigous european collages (sic)" that endorsed this paper. I'll be here, anxiously awaiting your response.
Editor quitting making sense - OR maybe she was just embarrassed to be associated with a bunch of politically-motivated loony toons. Either explanation works for me. Also, aren't you at all concerned that the "government of the most powerful and corrupt country in the world" is going to track you by your IP and snip the brakes to your car? Why haven't they snipped Stephen Jones' or Niel Harrit's brakes yet? Do you understand how insane you sound when you say something like that?
Scientists being smarter than me - there's a difference between knowing more than someone and being smarter than them. Just because someone knows more about physics equations than you doesn't necessarily make them smarter than you and doesn't necessarily mean you have to believe everything they tell you. You tell me I'm a tool of the government, to me you're a tool of the "truth" movement which makes a lot more money off of the "9/11 was an inside job" t-shirts that you spend your hard-earned McDonald's money on than they make off of publishing boring papers about atom splicing.
Giving you 100 million dollars to do a study - I would give you 100 million real to do a study on this. And I wouldn't give it to anyone else because it's a waste of money and time. If other people want to conduct their own experiments God bless them, but I want no part of it.
Tower 7 - Has been covered by numerous articles from various scientists that I linked to in other entries on this topic. I never said melting aluminum brought down Tower 7. I'm glad you are laughing at that theory that you created for me. The more you entertain yourself, the less Stephen Jones does and the less money he makes off of suckers. I also have no idea where you get that tower 7 had "no damage" to it. Then in the very next sentence you provide an unsubstantiated quote from a mystery firefighter who said that it looked "like a bomb went off in there". So was there damage or wasn't there?
Can't wait for your response...
Also, here are a few examples of other people using the line "it looks like a bomb went off in there" or something similar:
"It ripped the warehouses apart. The best way to describe it is it looks like a bomb went off," Atkinson said.
Tornadoes Rip Through South, Killing 48
Brian McKnight stated, "It looks like a bomb went off."
6.0 Earthquake Rocks Wells, Nevada
Jennifer L. Koohns, 32, who works for a home builder, said: "It looks as if a bomb went off here. So many houses have been demolished."
HURRICANE CHARLEY: STORM'S AFTERMATH; For Mobile Home Park Residents, Devastation Leads to Heartbreak
Perhaps the government has now also learned to simulate tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes...based on your logic, some guy says it looks like a bomb went off - well he must be right. Right?
Just because someone screams out "It's like a bomb went off in here!" doesn't necessarily make it so!
Hi Alles-nur-Programm and thanks for stopping by again - I'm going to assume that English is not your first language because I have no idea what you're trying to say here. Nonetheless, because I like you so much I'll try to struggly through it.
hellow!! The nanoparticles (which are found) in NY are exploding, if ignited by electrfied tweezer...this does not do paint!!!I don't believe that there were any nanothermites in NY.
who the fuck talks about jet fuel., which burned out in the 15sec outside the WTC1,2....and what about WTC7Where are you getting this information from? I was at Ground Zero a week after the collapse and the jet fuel was still burning. Perhaps that was a government-fueled hallucination.
Think what you think, but keep your BSSo I shouldn't say what I think? How amazingly open-minded of you!
see video...there is all your answers
You are a funny funny man Ron. Your obvious islamophobia racism makes you biased of any research that contradicts blaming the Muslim world.
Will you please refrain from citing paint as the substance in question. The paper had to pass a rigorous peer review system, this line of thought was addressed by the researchers in their line of research! Proving decisively that it would not produce the energetic reactions they found and be intimatley mixed with a number of substances correlating to thermite at nano size. In essence this these elements do not naturally occur in this way.
They are not military scientists therefore you cannot expect them to know the exact variety of nano thermite. It is a highly advanced laboratory substance that was known to have been around in at least 1999.(stop saying it is an unknown substance created by these researchers) So apparently the entire Journal is fraudulent?
Hey Ron here's the patent details for nano thermite. Please admit at least its existence.
Nano thermite: Patent US. 6077329 US. 5885321
"The fine aluminum particles are believed to increase the effectiveness of fuels and fuel additives, pyrotechnics and energetic materials including composites, thermite, and explosives by a factor of three to ten."
Hello Steffan and welcome to the site.
You are a funny funny man Ron.
Thanks, you can see my act at the Comedy Cellar every other Thursday night. Don't forget to tip your waitress!
Your obvious islamophobia racism makes you biased of any research that contradicts blaming the Muslim world.
OR maybe the fact that 19 Arabs hijacked planes might have something to do with it.
Will you please refrain from citing paint as the substance in question.
I didn't "cite" it. I linked to another guy who explained that the substances found in the red part of the "chips" were identical to the elements found in paint. Is that not true? If it is not, you should speak to the person who says it is true. You can find him here.
The paper had to pass a rigorous peer review system, this line of thought was addressed by the researchers in their line of research!
And I have shown on this posting and several earlier ones, the way they addressed this possibility was faulty to the point that the editor of the "peer-review" journal they published in resigned in disgrace citing the obvious "political viewpoint" of the paper.
They are not military scientists therefore you cannot expect them to know the exact variety of nano thermite.
If they don't know what they're talking about, they need to shut up.
So apparently the entire Journal is fraudulent?
I don't know. That the editor resigned in disgrace doesn't really lead me to believe in the legitimacy of it though.
Continuing to your follow-up...
Hey Ron here's the patent details for nano thermite. Please admit at least its existence.
Where is "here". Your unsourced printing that I have no way of verifying its accuracy. When I copy/pasted the patent number into google this is what I got. There are links to four sites. Not exactly earth-shattering results for such a major technological breakthrough.
Number one is mine (and thank God for that). Number two is - a conspiracy site. Number four is just a pdf with a list of patent numbers and no descriptions. Number three however, is paydirt. has a description of what appears to be the actual patent in question.
This is not a patent for "nanothermite". This is a patent for the "Selection of size of aluminum particles prepared by solution method". Do a quick search of the document will return ZERO results for "nanothermite" and in fact only one result for the word "nano" at all. This is a patent describing:
method of producing aluminum particles comprising a decomposition of an alane adduct in a reaction solution including a catalyst and having an organic solvent in an inert atmosphere...
They're telling you how to make tiny aluminum particles. Not demolitions equipment that knocks down massive skyscrapers.
And yes the following phrase:
"The fine aluminum particles are believed to increase the effectiveness of fuels and fuel additives, pyrotechnics and energetic materials including composites, thermite, and explosives by a factor of three to ten."
Does appear in the patent.
Please note that it does not say anything about this aluminum power being able to be utilized for demolitions. Please note that it does not say that the particles THEMSEVLES are explosive...only that they ASSIST in explosions when mixed TOGETHER.
You would still need to add them to ACTUAL bombs to achieve the 3-10 X increase in effectiveness.
By the way that paragraph is the only reference to thermite or explosives in the entire patent. All this is talking about is a cheaper/easier way to make very fine aluminum dust (which in itself is not new).
This patent proves nothing - in fact if anything it proves that "nanothermites" are just aluminum dust that is added to something your gas tank for increased gas mileage and horsepower.
I think nanothermites must have made their first appearance in popular culture in the Fast and the Furious when Vin Diesel explains to Paul Walker how Nos makes his car go faster.
"method of producing aluminum particles comprising a decomposition of an alane adduct in a reaction solution including a catalyst and having an organic solvent in an inert atmosphere..."
You are just proving me rite. The creation of tiny aluminum particles is a key part of the process of creating nano thermite. Nano thermite is an intimate mixture of nano sized (engineered) aluminium particles with nano sized (1000th of a human hair)rust particles, it is essentially a far more intense version of the traditional thermitic reaction.
"Please note that it does not say anything about this aluminum power being able to be utilized for demolitions. Please note that it does not say that the particles THEMSEVLES are explosive...only that they ASSIST in explosions when mixed TOGETHER.
You would still need to add them to ACTUAL bombs to achieve the 3-10 X increase in effectiveness"
This statement is quite simply false. It does not say that they must be mixed with other explosives. They become the explosives when mixed with other nano sized elements. Nano thermite is in fact versatile it can act as incendiary or explosive depending upon the components mixed with it (Not tradional explosives).
"By the way that paragraph is the only reference to thermite or explosives in the entire patent. All this is talking about is a cheaper/easier way to make very fine aluminum dust (which in itself is not new).
This patent proves nothing - in fact if anything it proves that "nanothermites" are just aluminum dust that is added to something your gas tank for increased gas mileage and horsepower."
Nano sized aluminum dust is a huge part of nano thermites composition therefore a scientific patent will likely want to patent its development techniques! So now nano thermite exist then, for your gas tank. Please provide a link to a site selling this fuel to you and me! Its a military controlled substance. It does exist and it was in the WTC dust and there is no legitimate reason for it to be there!
"I think nanothermites must have made their first appearance in popular culture in the Fast and the Furious when Vin Diesel explains to Paul Walker how Nos makes his car go faster."
Not even going to bother with this one!
By the way the substance in question does have many of the elements present in WTC paint, however this is not a plausible identity for the red grey chips. The experiments they conducted detailed how the chips were put through fire tests in the laboratory. They were explosive giving off greater energy potential in some instances than the same amounts of RDX would. Where have you heard of explosive paint.
More over these components were uniformly intimately mixed at a minute scale 1000th the size of a human hair. This intimate mixing is clear proof of engineering. It does not occur in paint.
"And I have shown on this posting and several earlier ones, the way they addressed this possibility was faulty to the point that the editor of the "peer-review" journal they published in resigned in disgrace citing the obvious "political viewpoint" of the paper"
This is misleading, she was an associate editor. She wasn't "the" editor. More over in her statement she said that she could not criticise the scientific content of the paper. Added to this since when has a scientific analysis having a political stance been considered un acceptable. If the science is good then the science is good. Im sure the catholic church would have had many complaints with Galileo's discoveries on political grounds; he was however correct in his science.
In my country you are penalised for playing the man and not the ball. Its easy to criticise an author, far harder to critique unshakeable scientific truths.
Please take up a more productive line of inquiry. Namely why was this stuff present at all! Who could have placed it there, where it is created and so on. These are the questions of most import.
Hello Steffan, I apologize for not getting back to you sooner - I have been extremely busy with non-blog-related activities. I hope you will forgive me.
Let's dive right into this shall we.
it is essentially a far more intense version of the traditional thermitic reaction
Did you read the post that immediately preceded this one? Thermite is not what you think it is.
It does not say that they must be mixed with other explosives. They become the explosives when mixed with other nano sized elements.
Here's what the patent says:
"The fine aluminum powders are believed to increase the effectiveness of fuels and fuel additives, pyrotechnics, and energetic materials including composites, thermite, and explosives by a factor of three to ten"
They INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS of explosives. They do not BECOME them. I'll accept your apology on this one in advance.
Nano thermite is in fact versatile it can act as incendiary or explosive depending upon the components mixed with it (Not tradional explosives).
So it's not an explosive it itself. It needs to be combined with explosives. Exactly like I said. Thanks.
So now nano thermite exist then, for your gas tank. Please provide a link to a site selling this fuel to you and me! Its a military controlled substance.
OK. The patent you brought up specifically stated that the items in question could be used to increase fuel and fuel additive efficiency. The word "military" appears precisely......ZERO times in the patent.
It does exist and it was in the WTC dust and there is no legitimate reason for it to be there!
Neither the existence of nanothermite nor its presence in WTC dust has been confirmed.
Where have you heard of explosive paint.
Maybe it's paint. Maybe it's not. But it's definitely NOT the substance your patent is referring to. Since that item does NOT EXPLODE on its own.
This is misleading, she was an associate editor. She wasn't "the" editor.
The title of the article that I posted here was:
"Editor in chief resigns after controversial article on 9/11"
Editor. In CHIEF. Please read my posts before you criticize them.
More over in her statement she said that she could not criticise the scientific content of the paper.
From the article:
"The article has nothing to do with physical chemistry or chemical physics"
Please read my posts before you criticize them.
Added to this since when has a scientific analysis having a political stance been considered un acceptable.
You're kidding right? Science in the name of politics is BIASED.
If the science is good then the science is good.
But it's not. I have four posts on why the science isn't good. I've linked to several articles and posts by scientists that say the science isn't good. Strangers have come to my site and have explained why the science isn't good. They've also posted links to other sites that show why the science isn't good. What more can I say.
Im sure the catholic church would have had many complaints with Galileo's discoveries on political grounds; he was however correct in his science.
The Church had RELIGIOUS complaints with Galileo's discoveries. Not political. And furthermore, it is Harrit over here that is politically motivated, NOT the editor or his debunkers.
In my country you are penalised for playing the man and not the ball.
Are you talking about basketball?
The Dane sounds a lot smarter than you RM and I would believe him any day over you. Do you have a degree in physics or even a high school diploma? Get real you are a blind fool or you are a paid shill.
I would like to have you comment on my blog. I would like to hear how your views affect my world. I am a Truther, however somewhat new. I will not argue with you on your site about your irrational and seemingly guided opinions, however passionate. I am in Canada. We are free people here and we know. I love this planet, including you. Why do you hate us so much? What's in that for you really?
Other than a really wicked blog series...are you being satirical?
Thanks & Peace
M@ - have you read the other 3 articles I posted on this topic?
I'm not sure why you think I need to know that you're from Canada. I am in America, a significantly more free country than yours.
Thanks for stopping by.
This is awesome. Yeah I read all the articles. I do have time to read, as I am not always dedicated to commenting on my own blog as you do. I see you are very busy. I also see that you have very little support and quite a bit of smart people commenting on just what holes are apparent in your posts. You come off just like Popular Mechanics...and its super cool to have your own opinion. But sometimes caring people will try to wake you up. Even with insults.
I tell you I am from Canada, simply because I wanted to know that you were in America. It is important. Canada Knows dude. Most of our military is in Afghanistan but that's of little issue. They will be back soon.
Where do you get off asking me if I read your stuff? You did not answer my questions.
Why do you hate us so much?
What's in that for you really?
Other than a really wicked blog series...are you being satirical?
And to quote you "Why does it have to explode? Aren't two jetfuel-laden planes crashing at hundreds of miles an hour into two buildings enough of an explosion for you?" and answer your fact I think I will blog it.
Where I "get off" asking you if you read my stuff is because your main question of "what's in it for me" should have been answered in the initial post on the topic.
Shifting the blame away from the true perpetrators (specifically, Islamic fundamentalist terrorists) often leads the blamer to focus on the Jews. And especially Israelis. My people. This is obviously an issue for me as I've been asked as a non-elected, non-chosen and non-interested representative of both communities on a few occasions to answer for this nonsense. This is my response.
Sorry if you don't like it.
Now in answer to your other questions...
I don't hate you. I hate the hatred that you bring down onto me. Whether you intend it or not, your position is often used to fan the flames of hatred against Jews. I need to stop that.
Sometimes I am satirical. Often I will write things satirically. But I am dead serious about the issues that I write about. Jews have been used as the excuse for too much in history...there's no reason I needed to learn the word "scapegoat" by 4th grade. There's no reason I needed to BE a scapegoat my whole life.
The reason it appears I have "little support" on this topic is because I wrote about this three months ago, when it was relevant. At first I had lots of support from random posters when this was a current event. Over time, the topic became stale and for the past two months, the only people who search for terms like "Niels Harrit" or "Nano-thermite" are people like you who are looking for information to corroborate their claims.
Luckily or unluckily I'm usually one of the first results for these searches (which should tell you how pathetic the information out there on this stuff is that a guy who's only written four posts on 9/11 conspiracy gets more traffic than whole sites that are entirely devoted to it) and so here we are.
Finally, if you were trying to insult me by comparing me to a wildly popular and professionally written magazine like like Popular Mechanics, you failed completely.
Glad to see that "Canada Knows" dude - in America we say "The truth is out there".
Have a great day.
I have quite a few jewish friends and understand much about the basis of your culture and relition. "Your People" are my people. I love you and them. Money cartels pulled off 911 in a way. I could not name any one group. As you do to cast some sort of hatred on another. It is not antisemitic, to claim there needs to be further investigation into...the investigations of 911. There is a conspiracy going on. It's not anything but a dream. Love for all, Hatred for none!
There are jews on this petition buddy!
Glad to hear you have Jewish friends.
Having Jewish friends or Jews on a petition proves Some of the worst enemies of the Jewish people throughout history have been Jews.
You are one of those guys who believes things with no factual evidence. That is blatantly evident. Thanks. I pray your dayjob does not involve the lives of anyone not jewish or actually even must hurt people regularly...question. Does that ever build up and occasionally make you feel even segregated. I'll be your friend if you don't have any. Really.
Well, thank you for doing all this. I'm glad to see one of our people has the will to speak out.
Keep doing what you do, because it is important.
All right thanks Mr./Mrs. Anonymous!
Haha, take THAT truthers, finally some support for the home team!
Ron, I really think that comment was a truther telling the truthers that truth is the will to speak out. Why are you against the truthers? Or is that a secret and part of some master plan? We already know, we just want to hear you say it so you will be on the side of when you were a kid and didn't make problems for yourself. We are all equal...although my shit is way smellier! Yeah, smellier! Peace!
No Max, allow me to show you how assumtions will not serve you...
I am the same guy who posted. I'm at work and on my phone; so I'm sorry not to log in and give myself a proper name. My statement of "one of our people" was in referance to my being Jewish like Ron. I am not apart of the "truthers." I like facts, don't get me wrong. But all I've seen from "truthers" is an imaginative ability to take a small bit of little-to-nothing and "extrapolate" some far flung pipe dream out of it. The "truth" doesn't seem to be what they seek. Just desperately any factoid to prop up their personal assuptions/delutions/paranoia/day dreams. Anything outside of (my perseption of) a "truther's" "reality" is dismissed or cast down as the "conspiracy's" propoganda. (sigh) I am sorry Ron. My intent was just to thank you and not continue this debate. I hope you do not need to waste any more time on this topic.
Oh you two! With your big words and hopeless mission. Who said I was not a Jew? My nickname happens to be Too-Jew. I truly wish we could sit the three of us around a table and I could point out as you ramble just about where all that you said about me and the truthers gets flipped right back on you. We do not take half evidence and work it to our advantage. Why would any group of people do that...oh wait, yeah the New World Order is coming...but us truthers see it for what it is. Not as a means to make "our people" better than any others.
I watched the movie Defiance last night. Really gives punch to the idea that even if "your people" are being killed. Excluding anyone from community based protection will lead to defiance between the people.
Oh Capt. Anonymous I will only stop when Mr. RonMossad stops attacking "truthers" like they are a people against "Jews"....WTF is that?!
Thanks for the Shout Out!
You guys should check my blog and leave whatever wicked comments you like. Remember, when you make it personal you loose your point. No matter how big or educated your words are.
Another thing...check out the statements of the living engineers who built the WTC...could have taken upto 15 planes before weakening the structure. I love that you are the only guy on the internet with the balls to say something like "Why does it have to explode? Aren't two jetfuel-laden planes crashing at hundreds of miles an hour into two buildings enough of an explosion for you?"
Are you friends with Larry Silverstien?
Oh, I knew you were not a truther...its just the closest I get to calling people names...and getting them to call themselves out! Nice Job BTW!
Never said anything about you, Jew or otherwise. Though, I find your attempts to provoke me interesting. Lots of people and groups work "half" informationto their advantage. You work in marketing, you should know that well. Alot of people make over-the-top comments about things. Engineers do it too: the unsinkable titanic, the st Louis arch will last a thousand years, etc. Nothing grand is as strong as it would seem.
Why do you continue to make belittling statements? Can you not have a conversation with putting down the otherside? If you knew I wasn't a truther, why not just ask me to come out, insted of "calling me out" by twisting what you otherwise knew my meaning to be? How you seek the truth is hardly honest is it? Moreover, the fact you did all that for me, would be personal. The one thing you ask anyone else not to get on your blogs. By your ethic doesn't that mean you've already lost your point?
Your posts are deceptive, juvenile, and hypocritical.
Truly Amazing. I do not provoke with half truths. I am simply provoking everyone's thought muscle to read past Ronmossad's half truths.
What point? I am simply expressing.
Oh my side is super honest. If I see in others the ability to come true or help me express my trueness (;)). It is still not personal. I'm putting you up. Now why don't we have that real conversation you are talking about.
Reads to me like its about Neils Harrit, Stephen Jones and the rest of the people who are dealing with the whole truth. Ahem, my brothers and sisters in Truth.
Oh this one is kinda personal though...what kinda research skills you got to show if you think I am in marketing? If you got that from my google or blogspot profile its just the closest. There was no media, and broadcasting is not what I do...or we rather...more like narrowcasting.
You really should check it out.
And too. Just celebrated 888!
Mark I wish I could tell you not to waste your time with these fantasy-land-dwelling truthers but my record of battling with them would make me a massive hypocrite for doing so. Thank you for the support.
Max - speaking of Harrit and the rest of the Tinfoil-Hat Brigade, are you aware that they themselves have now backed off their initial claims and have admitted that nanothermite could not have been enough to knock down the towers? Truthers have even come out against Harrit as a con man who does more harm than good, citing pretty much the exact same issues I brought up in my previous posts on this topic. I can only assume they took them from here based on the traffic I get from you guys and since I've been saying it for months and have been the #1 spot on google results for "Niels Harrit" since he went public with his 3rd-grade science project.
Either way, it's time for you all to apologize and buy a t-shirt to make up for all the time you've made me waste on this.
I swear to God, I will not buy a shirt as much as I would love to...and make a video about it.
Bro, I will link to it on my site. I just want to ask and I doubt I will get an answer...who is we again?
Good day !.
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I stumbled upon your blog and found your tolerance and sense of amusement with the "truthers" admirable. I am not of either mind, I do not have enough evidence to know better than common sense. Common sense, when confronted with lack of evidence, is usually best aided by assuming the greatest weight should be given to the simplest explanation. The simplest explanation is what my eyes told me when watching the events on TV from St Petersburg Russia that morning of 9/11. Two commercial aircraft collided with two buildings and material fell or was thrown from great height damaged other buildings. I was visiting Russia at the time from my home in San Francisco. Since that time I have moved here full time.
The exchange about US Patent US. 6077329 was interesting. I downloaded and read the entire patent document as a PDF and could not help to notice two key points
The patent was specifically for Nano Al. particles being effective as a surface coating to protect metals such as structural aluminium in buildings from oxidation. Another mention as you pointed out was the applicant suggested it MAY be effective in aiding explosive reactions. That is worded as to extend the possible coverage of the patent without having to reduce it to practice. That would give the applicant a vehicle and standing to modify the patent later if some useful application of the process was later developed.
The second noteworthy fact is the US Navy patent application is dated March 2007. Higher math is not my strong suit, although I am a degreed electrical engineer, but somewhere in the dim receses of my mind I seem to remember a complex formula that could say which came first when presented with 2 dates. March 2007 does appear to this observer to be AFTER Sept 2001. If there had been practical application for this principle before the application date the patent would not, or should not, have been granted. Therefore, the simplest explanation is that this patent applies to a technique not in use in the time frame of mid 2001, let alone during the time period in which construction of the building would have had exposed beams that could have had this sealer applied. Some sealer surely was applied, the simplest and by far the most common method of sealing was and still is PAINTING with sealer paint, the two most common colors being RED and YELLOW. It would appear that red paint would have been highly suspicious if NOT found in the wreckage.
Good luck beating back the assaults on common sense and reason.
For me, ALL outside materials studies are suspect simply because there is no access to the genuine materials present in the immediate aftermath of the events. A Danish researcher assisted by a psychologist and a sociologist who had no verifiable access to authentic evidence, and publishing by deceptive means in a questionable journal intended for unrelated fields all raise more than just red flags. Just too many angles that had to be covered up for conspiracies of this magnitude to ever exist. If this one is true, it would be the first time a massive conspiracy ever worked....ever. Predicting and planning for the correct sequence of responses by millions of loose ends and people, is beyond comprehension, such a master mind would surely have been so clever and powerful as to make such an elaborate scheme unnecessary, they could do anything to reach their goals and done it with fewer people and props required.
Stan my man, this is nothing. You should check out the previous post in this series...200+ comments on that one, almost half of which are my responses. Hours and hours and hours of my life I'll never get back arguing with these people about a version of the conspiracy that has been so THOROUGHLY discredited that even the original authors of the theory have backed off on their initial claims.
But it doesn't stop the true believers from continuing to defend them. Don't try confusing them with the facts - just because you saw the sun rise this morning in the East doesn't mean you weren't tricked by a government-induced hallucination gas that was developed in the 70's to promote increased gas consumption so Bush could invade Iraq in 2003!
Wow, quite a few members of the occult are posting lies at your site.
11 master satanists, occultists, masons, kabbalists & witches were each in his/her assigned place on 911 01 am by Strategic Communication Laboratories, London: Bush, Cheney, Tenet, Ann (GWB’s witch aunt) Cappelletti, Bill Gates, Giuliani, Con di Rice, Schwarzenegger, Silverstein, Soros & Saddam Hussein (not dead-hidden). GWB’s cousin's demolition company planted WTC nano-thermite.
Nixon said, "IT has to be on TV for people (sheep) to believe." It was on TV but who didn't think it looked bizarre, smoke billowing at 1/2 speed, plane icon appears to fly throught WTC 2. The parameters on the LVIS computer needed to be reset.
1st plane was a drone, you know, the one's being operated in NV & AZ, flown in Pakistan & Afghanistan, slaughtering civilians.
2nd plane was a PVI animation. PVI LVIS computer generates 1st down lines on football fields.
check out all of he virtual environment created by PVI & its LVIS computer.
Barbara Bush & Ann Cappelletti (now powerless witch) are illegitimate witch daughters of Aleister Crowley (666, the beast, baphomet, goat man, most evil man in the world), conceived w sex magick (tantra) in 1924. Google, Barbara Bush Aleister Crowley to find the story about Pauline Pierce, 6th degree OTO, who ran off to Paris in 1923 to hang out w Frank Harris to hook up w Crowley to conceive the antichrist, Barb was born in 6/1925. Ann’s mother was one of many 20 yr old Sicilian girls lured to Abbey of Thelema, Cefalu, Sicily, lured by Crowley disciples to Thelema to have sex magick w Crowley for money to conceive the antichrist. is a Crowley tribue site w articles of his orgies before he was deported from Sicily by Mussolini. Afterwards Crowley went to stay in Paris w Frank Harris.
Google, Barbara Bush Aleister Crowley or read:
Why blow up WTC. Strategic Communication Laboratories, London, was paid by neopagan neocons to come up w the plan. SCL opcentre is where the LVIS computer w the fake plane icon was generated.
Evil & witchcraft is alive and thriving in the 21st century.Bush, grandson of Crowley, held a book of America upside down in his lap in that FL classroom, before he read “My Pet Goat” to summon the spirit of his demonic grandfather for the ritual payoff.
Preparation for the coming of the antichrist:
Learn that witches get demonic power from burning gold & currency. They have all signed pacts w lucifer to sell their souls.
Goal=prepare the world for the coming of the antichrist, to bring about a mass human sacrifice, the purpose of which is release of enough “life-energy” to give eternal life to a select group.
Compare young pics of Aleister Crowley to his grandsons 20-30 yr old John & Michael Cappelletti. I know the ritual the Cappellettis used on Alan Ameche's Heisman trophy for John to win the trophy.
I have much more info.
Now, if you don't know about PVI virtual media services (which generated the 2nd plane at Strategic Communication Laboratories, London, opcentre), its time for you to learn about virtual animation.
1st plane was a drone, but 2nd plane was a PVI LVIS computer animation.
Visit to view 25 monitors with virtual animations.
Clicking on any monitor will bring up another virtual animation.
The plane appeared to fly through the building because the parameters first mapped moved with the new helicopter shot & had to be reset. The reset button was not hit.
You know those lines aren't REALLY visible on the football's just on TV. People in REAL LIFE saw the second plane hit the building, not just on TV.
Why am I even responding.
You are responding because you are still just trying to convince yourself. 911 = Inside Job, there is nothing left to say. It simply was not 19 anti-american Saudi's. The evidence is all to clear now, and crystalizing more and more each day.
For once I agree with you, it WASN'T 19 Saudis.
There were some guys from other Arab countries too!
I don't think we should argue about who is responsible for destroying the WTC and I doubt scientists would be capable of determining that explosives were set off in the buildings. The area was completely cleaned up by people who are now very sick, dying or have died from exposure to the toxic debris because they were not properly protected. The US government and others continue to wreak havoc in the Middle East. We must bring an end to war, violence, carelessness and complete disregard for human life. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and the world will be blind and toothless." Wouldn't it be nice if we could all commit to being non-violent and kind to one another. That's a big wish.
I agree Mr./Mrs. Anonymous! No more war! No more bloodshed!
We can start by ending the daily bombardment of Sderot.
@ the truthers... I find it ironic that the "truthers" are so-called even though they wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face! These guys are new to conspiracy theory and fall for the most obvious sensational ones.
I am not familiar with your work, but I have read all the stuff related to this and I have to agree with you - this theory is BUNK! The towers MAY have been blown up intentionally by the powers that be, but this "research" does not prove it!
Let me get this straight. You must be of Jewish decent. Apparently, the main reason that you are doing this whole anti-911 "truther" blog is to defend what you perceive to be an attack on Israel? I thought you had a little something going for you until that came out. If you are here to defend Israel, why the fuck would you make your name Ron MOSSAD. That has to be the worst choice of a name for someone who is trying to convince people that Jews were not involved. Don't get me wrong, Israel is a evil motherfucking "country," but no one here or in the Niels Harrit camp claims that Israel had anything to do with this. We simply don't know who was involved, but we do know that the very strange events of 9/11 just don't add up with the official explanation and that calls for a further, INDEPENDENT investigation. Get over yourself and your Jewish faith. If you're not Jewish, I apologize for assuming otherwise.
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