Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lights in the night sky over New York City

No, not those lights...

These lights:

View from the Jersey City waterfront of the ghost of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers

How did this happen? I mean Why? It is so insane that human beings actually killed themselves to crash airplanes into buildings full of people. On purpose. It should be unfathomable...but yet there it is.

Shine on in remembrance of 9/11. Shine on in memory of the lives that were lost in the name of insanity. Shine on in memoriam of the World Trade Center, the Twin Towers and the innocence of the 1990's...a decade where it seemed as though the world was finally going to be "OK". How naive of all of us.

I hate this day.


The All Real Numbers Symbol said...

True. I try to do at least something to remember what happened, but it'd be nice if we didn't have to remember 9/11 at all; if the eleventh of September could just be another normal day.

RonMossad said...

If only...

But it isn't and it never will be. We didn't ask for this, but it came here anyway. Now all we can do is try to stop the next one.

RonMossad said...

I remember in December of 2001...we were all still feeling really down about everything (or at least I was). When the first Lord of the Rings movie came out we went to see it and there was an exchange from the movie that began with Frodo (the main protagonist of the movie) despairing about the situation he suddenly found himself in:

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

I always liked that exchange and always felt like it really applied to how we all were feeling at the time. All we can do is make the most of the time we're given.

The All Real Numbers Symbol said...

I love that quote! I've used it a couple of times; it's one of the best in the movie. (And so very true.)

Oh, and in relation to your first comment, trying to prevent a second attack would be a lot easier if we could remove these liberals who are so worried about terrorist's feelings. It doesn't matter that these people are going to be in Gitmo for the rest of thier lives, if they're trying to kill us, that's where they belong. If we have to pour water up a terrorist's nose to get info, so be it. Of course, liberals don't see it that way.

RonMossad said...

But that's because they're not really "liberal" at all...a topic for a whole different article.

And I've used that quote several times as well. I really remember actually feeling a little better after seeing that movie. That movie and the Yankees ridiculous post-season were really the only things that took my mind off the attacks for a pretty long time.

kelly said...

This is sooo beautiful Ron! RTing it!

RonMossad said...

Thanks Kelly - although I wish it didn't exist...